Friday, June 4, 2010

Stupid Irritating Flyers

I always hate those stupid flyers that I get from the mailbox or the front gate of my house. They are just messing up the my space and environment. All of my next door neighbours get the flyers too so it is not only me who suffers from the problem of flyers. When I am at my mailbox, each time I open it, I can bet you that there will surely be a handful of ugly looking flyers and they are mostly related to property. A few year back, there was this problem of locksmiths sticking their small locksmith stickers on my front gate of my family's house. And each time I want to peel of the stupid sticker, it will leave a residue. Now, I still see them but not that regular. Now it's just the problem of flyers.

If you don't know what's a flyer, great! It either means that your house isn't littered with them or you just don't know the meaning. Actually they are just small pieces of paper with an ad printed on them. It's as simple as that. Plus, it is a cheap form of advertising. You just print the ad with the specific-cut piece of paper and just chuck in it a flat's front gate. Not only houses and mailboxes, you can even see flyer distributors at most MRT exits, bus interchanges and shopping mall entrances. They just distribute stacks of paper just like the one found on your front gate and mailbox. Come on people! How many of us would wanna just respond to a flyer?

If you are running a company that uses flyers as a form of cheap advertising, you are making a complete mistake. Lots of flyers get discarded, and lots of them may be taken from the flyer distributors themselves but eventually the flyers will get discarded. If you are using this form of advertising, you are also wasting paper and trees. People would also think that you are a cheap company for using such form of advertising. Companies should just stick to conventional advertising and/or be creative with advertising.

If you are reading this, please give your views and opinions about how flyers are irritating to you in the comments section. Thanks for visiting PaperFRENZY and I'll check back with you next time.

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