Sunday, July 4, 2010

Testing Testing One Two Three

Hi just testing the ipad. I want to know if I can upload photos using this magical little device. Actually, I am using a loaned iPod touch not an ipad hehe sorry for lying.

Apparently, I can't add photos in it. But, it's okay because I ca give you a link. And the reason why it doesn't allow me to add photos is because compose mode is not supported.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hey there I like to blog on the iPod touch as this thinG is capable

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stupid Irritating Flyers

I always hate those stupid flyers that I get from the mailbox or the front gate of my house. They are just messing up the my space and environment. All of my next door neighbours get the flyers too so it is not only me who suffers from the problem of flyers. When I am at my mailbox, each time I open it, I can bet you that there will surely be a handful of ugly looking flyers and they are mostly related to property. A few year back, there was this problem of locksmiths sticking their small locksmith stickers on my front gate of my family's house. And each time I want to peel of the stupid sticker, it will leave a residue. Now, I still see them but not that regular. Now it's just the problem of flyers.

If you don't know what's a flyer, great! It either means that your house isn't littered with them or you just don't know the meaning. Actually they are just small pieces of paper with an ad printed on them. It's as simple as that. Plus, it is a cheap form of advertising. You just print the ad with the specific-cut piece of paper and just chuck in it a flat's front gate. Not only houses and mailboxes, you can even see flyer distributors at most MRT exits, bus interchanges and shopping mall entrances. They just distribute stacks of paper just like the one found on your front gate and mailbox. Come on people! How many of us would wanna just respond to a flyer?

If you are running a company that uses flyers as a form of cheap advertising, you are making a complete mistake. Lots of flyers get discarded, and lots of them may be taken from the flyer distributors themselves but eventually the flyers will get discarded. If you are using this form of advertising, you are also wasting paper and trees. People would also think that you are a cheap company for using such form of advertising. Companies should just stick to conventional advertising and/or be creative with advertising.

If you are reading this, please give your views and opinions about how flyers are irritating to you in the comments section. Thanks for visiting PaperFRENZY and I'll check back with you next time.

Monday, May 31, 2010

8 Days Magazines Up For Sale

Looking for a way to fill up time on a lazy Sunday? Want to know more celebrity gossip? Want a fun way to tickle your funny bone? 8 Days will sure to accomplish all those for you. 8 Days is your ultimate magazine on celebrities, TV, food, arts, humour and more! 8 Days is good for your reading pleasure on the fly whether you are in a taxi, bus or train, 8 Days will sure to entertain you! Here are reasons why you should get this pack of 8 Days magazines.

It's Humourous

A majority of the articles featured inside 8 Days will sure to make you tickle your funny bone and crack a laugh. One of my favourite columns that will sure to make you laugh will be the Last Page which is really located in the last page of the magazine.

It'll Help Your Hunger!

Don't forget to check out the food column as it will showcase to you all the best and greatest food establishments in Singapore. Not only that, 8 Days will also give you a full and thorough review of the food establishments that are featured in the magazine.

It's Technological!

8 Days is also your most preferred choice when it comes to technology. It'll show you all the YouTube videos that you should be watching along with showcases of current and upcoming gadgets and websites that are weird and never before seen.

It's A TV In A Magazine!

Get all the television coverage you need in 8 Days! 8 Days will show you all the upcoming shows that will be shown on Mediacorp's free to air channels, Starhub TV and Singtel Mio TV. There is even a full TV listings guide for all Mediacorp Free To Air channel owners.

It's An Art Magazine Too!

8 Days is also you choice if you are interested in the arts. Upcoming plays, museum exhibits, performances will all be shown in 8 Days. Great for those in the arts!

Pick yours up for just $?. It will sure to entertain the heck out of you and no regrets will be made once you have bought the pack. This pack of previous 8 Days magazines will lots of dents, crumples and tears but it is still readable. You don't have to worry about the pages getting torn off as they are not. The pack will be thorough cleansed with a wet wipe to clear all the excess grime for your own hygiene. Shipping will be made via SingPost and local shipping is only accepted. Happy shopping and Happy Bidding!

(Weekly Brochure) DIY Phone Pouch

In this video, I will show you my collection of all the brochures I have collected from several shopping malls in the period of six months. Since this week's Weekly Brochure is all about phones, I have decided to just show you all the phone brochures that I have collected. At the end of the video, I will show you how you can make your own DIY phone pouch


The phone pouch at the end of the video may not look like a pouch from a  professional phone pouch manufacturer but it is still good enough to take a beating. So whenever you are out and about, get yourself a pair of scissors and tape and two A4 brochures and try doing this when your phone is on the verge of tears after getting abused by Mr Concrete.

Step 1: Wrap The Phone

First and foremost, take two brochures and put them side by side in landscape mode. Tape the two together in this position. Put your phone on the left side of the big piece of paper and wrap it just like what I did in the video.

Step 2: Secure The Bottom

Fold the bottom of the wrap and tape it securely. Cut the top just like what I did in the video ans make sure you leave a flap.

Step 3: Insert The Top Flap

Now with the flap on top, insert it into the pouch or secure it with velcro. Your phone is now fully protected. (Although the pouch is ugly)

To do this, you just need two A4 brochures, a pair of scissors, tape and/or velcro. The velcro is optional. After making it, I am sure you will be happy with your phone's protection. Once you are happy, why don't you paint it? You can even add stickers onto it or you can draw on it! Don't forget to take a picture of your very own homemade phone pouch and also give me ideas for upcoming Weekly Brochures.

The Paper Pak

Sick and tired of reading the same book everytime? Are you hungry and want a quick snack? Want an effective way to kill time? Introducing the Paper Pak. It's a bag that contains lots of great goodies for you to fill up some spare time, have a quick snack and quench thirst. It will cost you around 15-20 Singapore Dollars. The only way to own it is to make it yourself and I'll show you how in today's post.


One of the classic ways to entertain yourself on the go is to read a newspaper, magazine or book. All those crisp clear texts on a book, colourful pictures on a magazine and informative news on local and worldwide issues will sure to keep you entertained. If you are lucky enough to have all three, great! The more the merrier!

Sketch Book

Whether you suck at drawing or not, drawing is also considered as entertainment. So do yourself a favour by picking up a sketch book and a pencil and draw something that interests you. Make sure what you are drawing can be seen by others. Don't make it too small and don't make it too big. Additionally, make sure you know what to draw. It can be the beautiful scenery at the park or if that's too difficult, you can proceed to a shopping mall and draw out the storefront of your favourite store. Just draw to your heart's content.

Printing/Coloured Papers

Did you know that a single blank piece of paper can entertain you too? Just get yourself a bunch of blank or used A4 printing or coloured papers or both and keep it in a file. Whenever you're bored, get a piece and make some origami with it. You can print out some origami guides from the internet if you prefer. So use those guides as reference and make some origami with it!

Snack And Beverage

Everyone will get hungry and thirsty at some point of time. With all those time killing, I am sure you will too. So be prepared with some snacks and beverages. You don't have to stick to oil-laden foods. You can get yourself something nutritious such as cream rolls, high fibre crackers, bananas, french loaves, wholegrain rolls or freshly baked almonds. To wash it all down, let me suggest to you bottled water, bottled green tea, canned sugar-free drinks or canned fresh juice. Now you can keep that hunger at bay without feeling guilty.

To top it all off, get yourself a small carry bag or backpack and keep everything in it. With the Paper Pak, you can read the newspaper, magazine, book, draw out the beautiful scenery in your sketch book, make some origami and feed yourself with a nutritious snack and quench your thirst with bottled water all in one portable carry bag. Let those creative juices flowing adding more items you like to put it in. You can even decorate the bag of your very own Paper Pak. Oh and don't forget to snap a picture of your own homemade Paper Pak and send it in to me! I'll see you next time and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stress Relief with Paper

Stress? Everyone feels stress thanks to work overload and exams. Oh by the way, today is my birthday. Now I am 15 years old and i love it! Hope you can give me a wish too! Anyway, back to the topic, stress can lead to all sorts of problems. Too much stress gives you heart diseases, depression and the worst of all, death. It may sound stupid but it can actually lead to death. Now that you are sitting on a desk, it is time for you to take out some pieces and release the stress out of you. What you will need is a 2 blank pieces of paper, an envelope, a paperbag (you can get it at any fast food restaurant such as Burger King) and square pieces of paper. Lets get started with stress relief RIGHT NOW!

Write An Angry Letter

The number one stress giver is your employer or your teacher. They really wanna make you explode and raise your blood pressure. I know this because I'm a student myself. They always pile on work for you, they make you angry, they always want you to be perfect even though nobody's perfect and a lot more. So what you should do is to take a piece of paper, and write an angry letter to the stress giver. Go ahead and put in vulgarities and make your stand! Now, after you have written the letter, fold it into the envelope and secure the envelope. Now the trick is not to send it off. You have written and make your stand already and I can bet you that you are already feeling good. What can you do with the envelope now is that you can just keep it away and never let anyone see it. Or you can just burn it away.

At a glance, write an angry letter to the person who always give you stress and talk bad as much as you can. After writing, put it inside the envelope and keep it away and burn it. Now you feel much better after cursing and bad mouthing. A little warning. Do not bad mouth the person in real life. You will have the risk of losing your job and make you get into trouble. Just put it on paper.

Tear Up A Piece Of Paper

Got another blank piece of paper? Great! Now I would like you to take a pencil or a pen and draw a funny face of the person that is currently giving you stress. It can be the person you wrote the letter to or it can be another person in your life that is giving you stress. Okay now I want you to write the person's name with an ugly font. Done already? Good. With the piece of paper, stand up and tear up the piece of paper with full force and unleash your anger and fury. You can also crumple up the paper or step on the paper and do all sorts of violent things to the piece of paper. Use your imagination and pretend that the piece of paper is the person that is boiling your blood. Don't forget to throw the remains away though.

Just to summarise everything, you can also vent your anger with another method by tearing up a piece of paper that represents the person that is currently giving you a lot of stress. Hopefully that will make you feel a bit relaxed now.

Paper Bag Relief

Get a paper bag from a any fast food restaurant and consume all the content in it. What is the purpose of having a paper bag? You can use the paper bag to inhale and exhale into it so that you can make sure that you are not feeling stressed out so much. After just a few seconds, you will feel much better as you have taken a deep breath and cooling yourself down. You can even do this without a paper bag by just breathing in and breathing out using your diaphragm.

Just because you are feeling stressed and angry, that does not mean that you should just let it be like that. You can write an angry letter, act violently towards a piece of paper or even breathing in and out. Make sure you just do this to yourself and not towards the person that is giving you the stress. You could land yourself into trouble by doing this. Hope that you can appreciate this post and I'll be uploading pictures and videos as soon as possible. Thanks and goodbye!

Monday, May 24, 2010

How To Use A Notepad Properly

You have owned a notepad before right? You know, those small little boxes with pieces of thin paper stacked together and attachment which looks like a very long sprring? Additionally, they come in all shapes and sizes and some of them can even be inserted in your pocket and some of them can be used to take notes inclass.Whatever notepad you have, I can bet you that life will get so much better with just your notepad with these tips and advice. So all you basically need is a notepad and a pen or a pencil.

Make A Shopping List

If you are always splurging and spending unnecessarily on visits to shops and malls, then use your notepad keep track of whatever necessities you are going to buy. It is easy to lose track of your money if you keep splurging. So, what you have to do is just write down all the things you have to buy into your notepad and stick with the list. Although this option is not important, it is still the great if you write down your budget at the bottom of your shopping list. Plus, if you make a list, you will be more likely to follow it.

Overall, you just have to make a shopping list of whatever things you are going to buy and write down your budget at the bottom of the list on your notepad to avoid splurging and unnecessary spending. Oh, and do not add anything more after you have completed your list.

Love Letter Drafts

You know those scenes in the movies where they secretly give a love letter to their crush. And the way they wrote the love letter is so romantic that even a viewer can go "Awwww". Now be like them and write your love letter but even before you write anything it is advisable to make a draft of your letter. So whip out your notepad and start writing whatever you are going to tell to your crush. Just make sure that it is not so cheesy. If your vocabulary suck, search Google for perfect one-liners for your love letter. Remember, this is a draft and you have the right to write anything you want but avoid offensive or perverted messages. After finishing your draft, take a piece of A4 paper with cutesy drawings around it and use coloured glitter to write your final letter. Bonus Tip: Fold your love letter into a cute pink envelope and spray some cologne on it so that it smells nice. Another tip is to just write your initials on the front of the envelope.

Basically what you can do is to just write your love letter drafts into your notepad and transfer your draft onto your final letter and don't forget to put it into a pink envelope and spray some cologne onto it.

Keep Track Of Prices

Apple has released a new iPhone and they want to sell it to you at a special price. You wanna save up for it. Once you have collected all your money, it is time for you to buy it. But, how much is it? You have just forgotten about it. That's why it is advisable for you to keep track of prices of whatever items you are going to buy. On your notepad, just write down the title as 'PRICES' and write down all of the items you wish to buy and save up for. Then, write down the pricing and the name of the store you found the price at. That's it! So, if you remembered that you are saving up for something, refer to the price and the name of the item and you can use it as motivation.

At a glance, use your notepad to record down prices of the items that you are going to afford in the future and list down the store at the place you have found the price at. Whenever you are saving up for that particular item, use that as reference and motivation.

Market Research

Thinking of launching a new product or service? Look no further than market research. Market research help you research on the topic of your future product or service for your business. This will also let people give their own opinions so that you can use them as a source of information for your business. Now take out your notepad and write down these questions.

  • What kind of stressful activity do you have to keep up in your life?
  • Do you want this to be a product or service?
  • How much would you pay for this product or service?
  • Does portability count for you?
  • How much time do you want to take to operate the product?
  • Is efficiency good for this product?
Those are just sample questions if you are trying to get some help developing a product or service for your business. These question may not apply for your own business but I am just telling you a rough idea in what kind questions you should consumers when you are going to develop something. Just write down all these questions in your notepad and write the responses on the following pages. It is good to have more than one consumer to answer your questions.

Remember, your notepad can be used to do market research and get responses from your consumers. Market research is important as it helps you give a idea of what product or service you can come up with later. Mass appeal is also important as it helps with your sales.

Simple Games

Who says that notepads cannot be used for games? It can! Remember that childhood game, Tic Tac Toe? Use your notepad and draw out six boxes. You can choose either X or O. If you have chosen X, your opponent will use O. If you have chosen O, your opponent will use X. To establish a winner 3 Xs must be lined together perfectly horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Search Google for Tic Tac Toe if you do not know how to play. Use your creativity to come up with notepad games that you can play with either yourself or with a friend.

Pen Drawing

If you have a pen and a notepad, you can do pen drawing. Obviously, pen drawing is a method of drawing using a pen. So, if you something interesting to draw out, use your pen and draw it out on your notepad. Don't forget to colour it with the same pen too. Check YouTube for 'Pen Drawings' mimic the drawing style on your notepad.

Portable Organizer

Get some productivity back in your life by using your notepad as a personal organizer. Write down all the appointments you have for this month, list down all the work and assignments you have to carry out for the day, write down all your friends' birthdates, jot down notes during lectures and talks and set reminders and goals. You can ALL of these in your notepad. In fact, you can even do it right now. Your notepad IS the number one productivity equipment and it is affordable too!

So that's it people. Those are some ways you can do to make your life easier and more fulfilled using just a simple notepad and a pen. With a simple notepad, you can make a shopping list, make a draft of you first love letter, keep track of product prices, do some market research, play some simple games, do some pen drawing, write down appointments, list down all your work, make notes during lectures, set reminders, set your goals and the possibilities are endless. Use you creativity and you will slowly be in love with your little book of wonders. That's all for today and thanks for visiting PaperFRENZY, making you obsessed with paper.

BONUS: A website called 43 Folders introduced the Hipster PDA. A very cool notepad that you can cheaply make and use. Check out how you can make one by clicking this link.
43 Folders Hipster PDA link