Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stress Relief with Paper

Stress? Everyone feels stress thanks to work overload and exams. Oh by the way, today is my birthday. Now I am 15 years old and i love it! Hope you can give me a wish too! Anyway, back to the topic, stress can lead to all sorts of problems. Too much stress gives you heart diseases, depression and the worst of all, death. It may sound stupid but it can actually lead to death. Now that you are sitting on a desk, it is time for you to take out some pieces and release the stress out of you. What you will need is a 2 blank pieces of paper, an envelope, a paperbag (you can get it at any fast food restaurant such as Burger King) and square pieces of paper. Lets get started with stress relief RIGHT NOW!

Write An Angry Letter

The number one stress giver is your employer or your teacher. They really wanna make you explode and raise your blood pressure. I know this because I'm a student myself. They always pile on work for you, they make you angry, they always want you to be perfect even though nobody's perfect and a lot more. So what you should do is to take a piece of paper, and write an angry letter to the stress giver. Go ahead and put in vulgarities and make your stand! Now, after you have written the letter, fold it into the envelope and secure the envelope. Now the trick is not to send it off. You have written and make your stand already and I can bet you that you are already feeling good. What can you do with the envelope now is that you can just keep it away and never let anyone see it. Or you can just burn it away.

At a glance, write an angry letter to the person who always give you stress and talk bad as much as you can. After writing, put it inside the envelope and keep it away and burn it. Now you feel much better after cursing and bad mouthing. A little warning. Do not bad mouth the person in real life. You will have the risk of losing your job and make you get into trouble. Just put it on paper.

Tear Up A Piece Of Paper

Got another blank piece of paper? Great! Now I would like you to take a pencil or a pen and draw a funny face of the person that is currently giving you stress. It can be the person you wrote the letter to or it can be another person in your life that is giving you stress. Okay now I want you to write the person's name with an ugly font. Done already? Good. With the piece of paper, stand up and tear up the piece of paper with full force and unleash your anger and fury. You can also crumple up the paper or step on the paper and do all sorts of violent things to the piece of paper. Use your imagination and pretend that the piece of paper is the person that is boiling your blood. Don't forget to throw the remains away though.

Just to summarise everything, you can also vent your anger with another method by tearing up a piece of paper that represents the person that is currently giving you a lot of stress. Hopefully that will make you feel a bit relaxed now.

Paper Bag Relief

Get a paper bag from a any fast food restaurant and consume all the content in it. What is the purpose of having a paper bag? You can use the paper bag to inhale and exhale into it so that you can make sure that you are not feeling stressed out so much. After just a few seconds, you will feel much better as you have taken a deep breath and cooling yourself down. You can even do this without a paper bag by just breathing in and breathing out using your diaphragm.

Just because you are feeling stressed and angry, that does not mean that you should just let it be like that. You can write an angry letter, act violently towards a piece of paper or even breathing in and out. Make sure you just do this to yourself and not towards the person that is giving you the stress. You could land yourself into trouble by doing this. Hope that you can appreciate this post and I'll be uploading pictures and videos as soon as possible. Thanks and goodbye!

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